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"Because Jesus, that's why!"

In the movie, The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, advanced alien beings are faced with the question, “What is the answer to life, the universe, and everything?” After creating a super-computer, the aliens come to the conclusion that the answer is, “42.” How often have you wondered about your purpose in this life? How often did your conclusion change? Did you end up having more questions than answers?

After reading the Bible, I can say that Jesus seems to be the answer to a lot of questions. In fact, the entire Bible points to Him. Prophecies in the Old Testament tell of His coming. Entire books parallel and symbolize his life and purpose to save the world from sin. The New Testament tells of His life, His ministry, His disciples and the early church. Jesus is at the center of the Bible. So, if Jesus is the center of the Bible, shouldn’t we strive to make him the center of our lives?

In John 1:3 and Colossians 1:16-17, it says that all things were created through Him and in Him. Is it possible that Jesus is the root of and the answer to everything? No matter what the question is, the ultimate answer is, “Because Jesus.” Think about it. If you ask me, “Why is the kettle boiling,” I could give a very simple scientific answer as to how the molecules react and create heat or I could answer, “Because I want some tea.” Which answer do you think is more important, the how, or the revelation of why? That’s what the Bible is! It is God’s Revelation to answer why! The simple scientific answer is not wrong but the axiomatic answer to that scientific process is, “Because Jesus chose to create it that way.” All things were created through Him, in Him and for Him. Make no mistake, He is the answer to EVERYTHING.

What I do find coincidently funny about the answer "42" is that in Matthew 1:17 it accounts fourteen generations in all from Abraham to David, fourteen from David to the exile to Babylon, and fourteen from the exile to the Messiah. If you add the generations,14+14+14 you get the answer 42... which is Jesus! HA! The multiples of 42 in the Hebrew gematria are 6 and 7. The number 6 represents man and 7 represents God. Jesus is known as being God and man. Isn't that cool?

The saying, “What would Jesus do?” is on bracelets and paraphernalia all over the world. When you listen to, love, serve, and act like Jesus, life is far more fulfilling and meaningful. So, we’re faced with the question, “What is the answer to life, the universe, and everything?” After thousands of years of prophecy and historical events, the Bible tells us that the answer is Jesus! Which begs the question, have you given your life to Jesus?

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